Red Deer, Alberta Hobby Show - March 1999
These photos are from Red Deer Hobby Show which was held March 27-28, 1999. They were all taken by David Williams.
Descriptions are below.
1. This picture shows many of the Meccanomen at the show. Left to right: Gordon Frank, Greg Rahn, David Williams, Dr. Eric Sinton, Phil Kraaikamp, Bill Cook and John Kraaikamp.
2. John Kraaikamp with his Double Ferris Wheel Model. He uses a variety of non-Meccano systems including TemSi and Merkur.
3. Gordon Frank with his Fairground Dive Bomber model.
4. Closeup of Gordon Frank’s Fairground Dive Bomber model.
5. Young spectators admire Phil Kraaikamp’s Gear Demonstration model.
6. Greg Rahn and part of his Meccano History display.
7. Bill Cook working on his Meccanograph. The base of his Tower Crane is in the foreground.
8. Dr. Eric Sinton’s Gyroscope.
9. John Kraaikamp and some of his family’s models.
10. Gordon Frank working on his Walking Dragline model. (It wasn’t walking!)
11. A newcomer to the show is Bruce Vanschepen. His display cases are shown in the foreground.
12. Bruce Vanschepen’s Indian Motorcycle model and an early nickel plate set.
13. Gordon Frank and his Road Grader.
14. Gordon Frank’s Air Seeder. This is his model of machinery from his farm.
15. Another group shot showing more models. Left to right: Gordon Frank, Greg Rahn, David Williams, Dr. Eric Sinton, Phil Kraaikamp and John Kraaikamp.
16. Bruce Vanschepen and Greg Rahn – the “Meccano History” section.
17. Gordon Frank’s Bee model. Designed by Andres Konokoly.
18. Meccano Ladies – Norma Frank and
19. A selection of Greg Rahn’s Meccano tin & box collection.
20. Bruce Vanschepen – more Meccano treasures. You can’t see it in the photo, but he has a boxed 1950’s Meccano set still in it’s original brown paper wrapper. The brown paper wrapper was normally removed by the retailer before displaying the set for sale.
21. David Williams and a few models.
22. The Meccanosaurus goes after one of Dr. Eric Sinton’s tasty skaters.