One-Day Show - May 3rd, 2003
These photos are from the CMAMAS One-Day Show which was held on Saturday, May 3rd, 2003 in a banquet room of the “Toronto Airport” location of the restaurantĀ Le Biftheque.
This batch of photos was taken and captioned by Lynn Krause.
The photos follow the sequence of displays from the entrance going counterclockwise around the banquet room; however, not all displays are represented here. Some of the missing ones e.g. Don Redmond’s Windmills and Rotating Motor Display, and Colin Hinz’s Beam Engine, are documented in earlier sections of the Photo Gallery and in past issues of the newsletter.
Eleven year old 6th grader Oskar Kohanec has recently joined the club, and is the first young person to display a model in quite a number of years. He patiently posed for the photographer in front of his free-lance race car, built from parts from his 2-, 20-, and 50-Model sets (#2511, #6520, #9550).
Front view of Oskar’s race car. Note the motor and two battery boxes. He’s actually not trying to super-power the motor with 9 VDC, but rather he uses both motors from his two larger sets. The other one is on the other side.
Moving along, we see some of the hands-on models displayed by Lynn and Tom. On the right is the first draft of Lynn’s entry in theĀ 2nd International Competition Winter 2002/2003. The competition results have yet to be announced, so the actual entry cannot yet be made public. On the left is a momentum car designed and built by Tom. The flywheel is fitted with a boss from a broken plastic p/n 26. This model so delighted Oskar, that near the end of the show the customized flywheel was removed and given to him so he can have a go at building his own.
Another simple but fun hands-on model. Either vehicle moves back and forth between the two end-bumpers, automatically reversing when the reverse switch of the battery box gets carried by the upper frame as it hits the bumper. One vehicle is fitted with Flanged Wheels and rolls on the rails; the other, fitted with tyres, straddles the rails, which prevent it from going off course.
A brand-new mint-in-box Exacto No4 Set, complete with manual from earlier decades. Exacto say manuals will be included in these sets as a bonus until stocks are depleted. The box is very sturdy and the foam trays are elaborate multi-layer laminates of stiffer foam on the outside to provide rigidity and softer foam in between for cushioning.
Hubert Hogle didn’t have use of his van on show day, so his familiar “Moebius, Martha, and Mechanisms” display was simplified to just “Mechanisms”, plus a selection of literature and older sets and set boxes. This was actually kind of a nice change because since Hubert wasn’t completely absorbed in operating his big models, it gave us a better chance to chat with him. And of course, who can get enough of his Mechanisms!
Who would have thought! After a long hiatus our ever-busy president delighted us with a working model, which we see here being fine-tuned. Many will recognize this as “Cyclist in the Ring” featured by David Williams in the March 2003 issue of the newsletter. Colin tells us he’d never seen this model before, and built it using the instructions in the newsletter. Compliments to David for the clear write-up!
The surprises never cease! Charles Perez joined the club a few years ago, but time problems have repeatedly come in the way of his good intentions to have a model ready for our shows. He reversed that completely this time by delighting us with his beautifully built Marine Engine, using many parts which he repainted himself in colours appropriate for the model. As indicated on the plaque, he got many an invaluable tip for this model from the late Don Pearson.