Meat Slicer


This model represents the type of machine used to slice meat. Normally all the operating
mechanism is underneath the machine and cannot be seen. As this model was originally
designed to demonstrate reciprocating motion the working parts are located on the
machine’s top where they can be observed.

– The most critical part in the construction is making sure that the overlap of the 4½” and
5½” Strips is correct. The picture illustrates that the two strips MUST be inside the
Double Angle Strips, the 4½” Strip first followed by the inner most 5½” Strip.

– The above leaves a gap just wide enough for the flanges of the 2½”x1½” Flanged Plate
to slide freely. The picture shows how a pair of ½” Reversed Angle Brackets, spaced
from the flanged plate by a 1½” Strip, hold the table in place.

– The blade is a pair of Semi-Circular Plates bolted together by their end holes. In a Bush
Wheel are locked, by nuts, one standard bolt and one 3/8” Bolt. The blade is slipped over
these bolts but only the 3/8” Bolt can carry an additional fixing nut.

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