Constitution of the Canadian Modeling Association for Meccano and Allied Systems (CMAMAS)
(Created November 1995; Updated May 2003, November 2013 & July 2019)
The name of the organization shall be known as Canadian Modeling Association for Meccano and Allied Systems, hereinafter called “The Association.”
The objects of the Association shall be:
a. To develop the hobby of modelbuilding with construction systems of metal or other prefabricated parts.
b. To unite fellow enthusiasts from coast to coast in North America, to encourage new members to join the hobby, and to develop the modelbuilding skills of its members.
c. To take such action or make such representation as a club, as may be in the interests of modelbuilding and construction systems in general.
Membership may be open to anyone who has an interest in construction systems of metal or other prefabricated materials, desirous of promoting the aims and objectives of the Club, and resident in Canada or the United States, who subscribes to the support of the club through its publications or other activities.
The administration of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Board, consisting of six members. The said officers being: the President, the Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor of Club publications, and Product Manager, who shall be elected in a manner prescribed by the Club bylaws, and shall hold office for a period of two years. The President, Treasurer, and Product Manager shall vacate their positions in odd-numbered years, and the balance of the Committee in even-number years.
This Constitution may be amended at any meeting of the Association by a two-thirds majority vote present and voting, a quorum being present, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment has been published in a Club publication, or written notice, said publication or notice having been distributed to members not less that thirty days prior to the meeting.
Membership to the association is open to anyone interested in the hobby of Meccano. Anyone resident in Canada or the United States who takes out a subscription to the Club publication is considered to be a member in good standing. Membership shall be extended to spouses and other family members of a subscriber at the subscriber’s request and with the approval by the committee.
a. Any member who fails to resubscribe to the Club Publication shall be deemed to have resigned from the Association.
b. Any member may resign from the Association at any time, by giving notice in writing to that effect to the Executive Board.
c. The Executive Board shall have the right to expel from membership, or otherwise deal with, any member who has contravened the By-Laws of the Association, or brought discredit to the Association, or its aims. Such a member shall have the opportunity to appeal the decision at any annual meeting.
a. The annual dues for membership of the Association shall be proposed by the Treasurer in consultation with the Editor of the Club publications.
b. The deadline for renewal of membership shall be December 31st. Any member not making payment in full within the grace period of 30 days without just cause shall be considered a delinquent member, provided a notice of renewal has been sent out within two weeks of the renewal date.
Section 1. The administration of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Board subject to the will of the membership.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall be the highest authority of the Association, and shall be empowered to act on behalf of the membership. This authority shall extend to any urgent business requiring prompt and decisive action affecting the vital interests of the Association which may be carried out without prior membership approval. All action taken shall be brought to the membership at the next annual meeting.
Section 3. The Executive board shall have control and management of any property and of the Association, subject to the will of the membership. Funds of the Association shall be withdrawn from the bank or banks with which they are on deposit, with the joint signatures of the Treasurer, and either the President or the Secretary. On all official documents which binds the Association there must be at least two executive signatures.
Section 4. In the event of the office of President becoming vacant before the end of his/her term, the Vice-President shall assume that office for the balance of the term. In the event that any other offices become vacant, an election shall be held to fill the vacancy as soon as possible. However, the President shall have the authority to appoint a member to fill the vacancy until the outcome of the election is known. Any changes to the Committee will be posted in the next issue of the Club publication.
Section 1. At the Annual General Meeting in odd-numbered years, there shall be elected: President, Treasurer, and Product Manager. The election shall proceed in the following order: (1) President (2) Treasurer (3) Product Manager. At the Annual General Meeting in even-numbered years, there shall be elected: Vice-President, Secretary, and Editor of Club publications. The election shall proceed in the following order: (1) Vice-President (2) Secretary (3) Editor of Club publications.
Section 2. If a secret ballot is requested, the Chairman shall thereupon appoint two scrutineers for the purpose of taking the vote.
Section 3. To be eligible to vote, or to run for office, a member must be in good standing. Ballots shall be distributed to eligible members a the Annual General Meeting, who shall be entitled to one vote for each elective office.
Section 4. Incoming officers shall take office immediately after the elections have been completed.
Section 1. The President as Chief Executive Officer of the Association shall supervise the Association affairs and activities: he shall preside over all meetings of the Association and the Executive Board: he may countersign all cheques, notes and other instruments drawn by the Association, and perform all the duties pertaining to the office.
Section 2. The Vice-President shall assist the President in supervising the affairs of the Association, and, in the President’s absence, shall preside over the meetings of the Executive Board and the general membership.
Section 3. The Secretary shall keep correct minutes of meetings of the Association and the Executive board: he shall take a roll call of members in attendance at meetings and record the same; he shall give due notice of meetings; he shall perform other duties pertaining to the office; he shall attend to the correspondence of the Association and keep all correspondence on file, which shall be made accessible to the Association at convenient times. He shall be the official custodian of all official records of the Association.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters pertaining to the Association, including the issuing of dues payable, and shall be responsible for the collecting thereof. He shall keep the books of the Association, disburse funds at the discretion of the Executive and shall report in detail at the Annual Meeting, and at such times as directed, on the financial condition of the Association. The Treasurer shall sign all cheques, notes and other instruments drawn by the Association together with the President and/or the Secretary. The Treasurer shall have the books audited annually, and the auditor shall be chosen by the Executive.
Section 5. The Editor of the Club publications shall be responsible for the regular publication of the Club magazine. He/she shall have full control over the material to be published in the magazine, and shall negotiate with printing firms to ensure that the best price be obtained.
Section 6. Product Manager shall be responsible for the ordering of new sets and parts from sources that he/she may deem appropriate. He/she shall coordinate the distribution of said parts or sets to the members who have placed orders.
Section 7. At the end of a Committee member’s term of office, the individual concerned shall turn over to the Club all documents and other materials pertaining to the Association within thirty (30) days of leaving office.
Section 1. (a) The year-end of the Association shall be December 31st of each year.
(b) The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held within the last four months of the calendar year. This Meeting may be held either physically, at such place as designated by the Executive, or remotely, using an electronic medium (such as Zoom), as the circumstances may require. The decision will reside with the Executive to determine the better option prior to the publication of the July issue. The Executive may also have the authority to revise the option should new circumstances make a change necessary.
(c) Initial written notice of the proposed Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be provided to each member by a notification in the July issue of the Club Publication. A list of nominations for the incoming Board, if such is available, will also be printed in the magazine. If not, a call for nominations will be made in the magazine, or at the Annual Meeting.
Section 2. Meetings of the Executive shall be held at prearranged dates at the call of the president, of at the written request of at least two-thirds of the Executive members. At all such meetings, three (3) voting members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 3. All meetings of the membership shall consist of three (3) Executive members one of which must be the President or his appointee, and eight (8) members in good standing, which shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1. Robert’s Rules of Order of Parliamentary Procedure shall govern all proceedings of all Meetings of the Association, and its constituent parts except as provided in these by-laws.
Section 2. Voting procedures: the mode of voting shall be by show of hands, of by secret ballot if such a procedure is requested.
(i) At all meetings of the Association, each member in good standing present at the meeting shall be entitled to a vote, which must be given personally.
(ii) At any meeting of the Association, five (5) members may require that the voting on any question before the meeting shall be by secret ballot, and the Chairman shall thereupon appoint two scrutineers for the purpose of taking the vote.
(iii) In case of a tie, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
(iv) All resolutions must be in the form of a motion, duly proposed and seconded; all amendments to motions must similarly be duly proposed and seconded.
These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the Annual General Meeting, or at any Special Meeting called for this purpose, provided written notice of the proposed action has been submitted in writing at least 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Any officer may be removed from office for the following reasons:
(a) Continued gross or wilful neglect of the duties of the office.
(b) Failure, or refusal to disclose, necessary information in matters of the Association.
(c) Unauthorized expenditure, signing of cheques, or misuse of Association funds.
(d) Misrepresentation of the Association or of its officers to outside persons.
(e) The Executive may require a Disciplinary Committee to investigate a recommendation of the removal of an elected officer, based on written instruction by the Executive.
The recommendation for removal must be confirmed by a two-thirds majority vote by the members in good standing present at the next Annual Meeting.
In the event that the Association becomes defunct, or is unable to operate, the funds and property shall be held in trust for the continuation of the Association at a later date. Any ten (10) members in good standing at the time the association ceased to function may use the funds and property to revive the Association.