Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting held via Zoom Conferencing.

Canadian Modeling Association for Meccano and Allied Systems.
Annual General Meeting held via Zoom Conferencing.

Saturday, November 18th 2023 at 3:00. p.m. (EST)


1. Welcome
2. Review of Minutes of the 2022 AGM and acceptance
3. Matters arising
4. Proposed Changes to the Constitution (if any)
5. President’s Report: Colin Hoare
6. Annual Financial Report: Hessel Pape
7. Product Manager’s Report: David Duncan
8. Reports by other members of the Executive (if requested)
9. Election of Officers (President, Treasurer, VP Sales & Marketing
(Parts & Sets Manager)
10. Magazine Editor/Webmaster)
11. Correspondence
12. Announcement of Canadian Meccanoman of the Year
13. Any Other Business
14. Closure

Hans Pape, CMAMAS Secretary.