Rotating Big Wheel

Rotating Big Wheel
A couple of years ago I built with great pleasure, and with a few
improvements, the Double Flyboats SML-33a. It is a very nice
display model. Meanwhile, I studied the Rotating Big Wheel MP-129 by
Roger Little 2001. The instructions are clear, it is well
illustrated with 15 figures and it needs two motors. One of them
is sitting on the rotating platform, so it must be electrically
insulated from the standing base with 2 wiper arms, 2 flat
commutators and 2 flat spacers. I never felt comfortable with all
this metal around to build a big model with the use of insulating
Meccano parts. This is why I opted to build a rotating big wheel
using a single motor for the two movements of the model.
Yves Ste-Marie,
The full article appeared in the November 2022 issue of “Canadian MeccaNotes”.
For a photo array, please see here: Rotating Big Wheel.
Videos appear here: