The Canadian Modeling Association for Meccano and Allied Systems

Building the Hobby
We welcome aficionados of all metal modeling systems from across Canada - and beyond.
While Meccano is most common in Canada, Erector, Marklin, Merkur, Stokys, TemSi, SteelTec, and others are embraced by our members. We organize exhibitions throughout the country, publish Canadian Meccanotes, make stock available to members, facilitate communication among hobbyists, and spread the word of the fun of metal modelling.
Looking for Parts?
We have an ever-changing selection of new, new old stock, repro, and used parts and kits available for sale.
Interested in Becoming a Member?
We’d love to welcome you as a member! While our focus is on Canada, we do have members from the United States and around the world. Join in the fellowship!